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The Implications are Pretty Major
Posted on Senin, 23 April 2012 by BB
Reflections Dawn Consciousness Bicameral Revisited
For three decades I have been enthralled by the ideas put forth in Julian Jaynes's "The Origin of Consciousness In the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" and have been waiting in vain (until now) for a follow-up volume. "Reflections On the Dawn of Consciousness" is a collection of incisive essays by Julian Jaynes himself and by others, commenting on and extending his previously published work.
Even after thirty years I cannot say that I feel that I have fully accepted (or, perhaps, fully understood) all aspects of Jaynes's theories about the eruption of consciousness just a few millennia ago, but I do believe he provided a very strong case for the reality of the bicameral mind and its role in providing the auditory hallucinations which were interpreted as the voices of gods in ancient times. Kuijsten's book reinforces these points. Although "Reflections On the Dawn of Consciousness" could be read independently (and as an introduction to Jaynes's work), it will probably be most appreciated by those familiar with Jaynes's book. Neither volume provides what might be called "light reading," but both are intensely thought-provoking.
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